Today, we are already answering complex, data-intensive questions. But the information technologies of the future need to be even more powerful as well as energy efficient. In the Helmholtz Research Field Information, we address these questions on several levels. Our overarching aim is to enable the secure collection, storage, processing, transfer, and use of information. We pursue this goal by analyzing natural, artificial, and cognitive processing systems, exploring new materials and concepts, and developing strategies that make it possible to transfer this new knowledge into algorithms and the most powerful next-generation computers.
Materials Science, Quantum Physics, Plant Science, Neuroscience, Data and Computer Science and Information Engineering - the scientific expertise in our team at HMC Hub Information perfectly reflects the diversity of topics in our research field "Information". We work towards optimized FAIR metadata that allows researchers to connect in inter-disciplinary collaborations. We help to bridge the gap between discipline-specific problems by endorsing, adjusting and developing cross-disciplinary solutions for the creation, curation and management of scientific metadata.
The Institute for Advanced Simulation - Materials Data Science and Informatics (IAS-9) is the host-lab of Hub Information